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This website has been created to provide project information for the reconstruction of Crawford Avenue from Oakton Street to Golf Road.  We invite you to explore the website to learn more about the proposed improvement project.   

The Crawford Avenue Phase I Study was completed with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) issuing Design Approval in Summer of 2023.  The next step of the project development process is Phase II which will include contract plan preparation and land acquisition.  The Phase II Study is anticipated to occur during 2024 and 2025. 

Project Overview

Project Overview

Crawford Avenue from Oakton Street to Golf Road is located within the Village of Skokie and is under the jurisdiction of the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways (CCDOTH) within the project limits. Therefore, this project is a joint effort between the two agencies. Click on the image below to open the full-size file in a new window.

Project Location Map

Project Location.jpg

Phase I Engineering was funded by CCDOTH and administered by the Village through an intergovernmental agreement, and subsequent phases of project development are anticipated to be federally funded. On this basis, all applicable federal project development procedures will be followed with coordination through IDOT Bureau of Local Roads and Streets. 

Overall Project Development Process

The objective of the Phase I Study was to evaluate various alternatives to meet the needs of all modes of roadway users and to identify a preferred solution. This included evaluation of the technical factors associated with the alternative(s) and their impacts on the community, motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians and the environment. Some examples of technical factors that were evaluated are traffic and crash analyses, impacts to the existing landscaped median, on-street parking, bicycle facilities and overall corridor travel times. At the end of this process, a preferred alternative was identified for implementation. The preliminary preferred alternative was concurred upon between the Village, CCDOTH, and IDOT.  

Phase I Study Process and Timeline 

Phase 1.jpg
Project Information

Project Information

The Crawford Avenue existing lane use is poorly defined. The lane and median widths vary through the corridor, but the pavement width is about 20 to 21 feet wide in each direction with a 16- to 18-foot-wide landscaped median. Parking is allowed within the corridor which contributes to driver confusion when drivers using the outside pavement come upon a parked vehicle and make quick merging decisions. Therefore, the existing roadway functions like a one lane road in each direction with parked vehicles. This was reflected in the public information meeting #1 responses and prevalence of parked vehicle crashes in the crash analysis. A key goal of the project was to clearly define the lane use.  

The alternatives analysis was completed in 2021 with two finalist alternatives determined to meet the project purpose and need. Both finalist alternatives had similar property impacts, improved traffic and safety performance, met complete streets policies, and had similar support from agencies and stakeholders. Therefore, the final determination focused on non-motorized accommodations and minimizing impacts.   

Preferred Alternative Determination

Preferred Alternative Determination 030223.png

Traffic Volumes

Traffic Volumes 030223.png

Crash Location

Crash Data

Crash Data 030823.png

The preferred alternative includes an exclusive left turn lane, thru lane, combined thru/right turn lane and bike lane in each direction on Crawford Avenue approaching the three larger signalized intersections of Oakton and Dempster Streets and Golf Road for capacity. Between these signalized intersections, Crawford Avenue will drop to one thru lane, bike lane and a parking lane in each direction. While cross streets are not proposed to be changed, radius returns and sidewalk ramps will be reconstructed for ADA compliance at all intersections.


Roll plots of the proposed improvement plan and roadway sections are provided below.  Click on the pictures to open the full-size files in a new window, where you can more easily zoom into the exhibits.   

South Area Project Roll Plot

South 032320.jpg

North Project Area Roll Plot

North 032320.jpg

Summary of Roadway and Utility Improvements

Summary of Roadway and Utility .jpg

Existing and Proposed Lane Configuration

Contact Us

Contact Us

For additional questions and information, please contact Samantha Maximillian with the Village of Skokie at 847-933-8232.

Crawford Avenue; Oakton Street to Golf Road Phase I Engineering Study 

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